What is it

Facade or Roof Rehabilitation Project serves to repair the building envelope with guarantees. It is used to prevent the elements from seriously deteriorating, to solve leaks or condensation humidity or to achieve low energy consumption.

Flats in buildings with common elements in good condition are revalued economically.

What does it consist of

It consists of a previous analysis of deficiencies or defects. Based on this analysis, solutions are proposed in the project phase. Finally, our architects carry out a follow-up constituting the Project Management of the work

“The objective of a Facade or Roof Rehabilitation Project may be to avoid the degradation of the building, to make it more energy efficient or to make it look like new”

What will the customer get?

The client initially gets a vision of the state and potential of the building. In the project phase, the scope of the intervention is delimited and once the rehabilitation project is finished, a builder can make the budget. We will also carry out the monitoring and technical supervision of the work.

Our facade rehabilitation projects