Common conditions
It must be taken into account that in order to access the aid, general requirements are demanded that are common in all the subsidy lines: having the building’s energy efficiency certificate and the ITE building’s technical inspection report. The project of the actions will also be required in the event that the type of reform so requires.

Aids of “Consorci Metropolità de l’Habitatge”
Object of the aids, deadlines and geographical scope
- L’objete de les ajudes són les vivendes individuals, ja sigui en edificis plurifamiliars o unifamiliars
- El termini màxim de presentació de sol·licituds finalitza el 31 de desembre del 2021.
- L’ambit es l’area metropolitana de Barcelona, excepte la pròpia ciutat de Barcelona
Non-refundable grant amounts
La part del pressupost de les reformes subvencionables és del 35%. Limport màxim de subvenció és dun 5000 euros.
Types of eligible works
There are four types of eligible actions:
- Actions to improve the habitability. If a home does not meet the minimum requirements to obtain the certificate of habitability, the necessary renovation or rehabilitation works to obtain the certificate will be subsidized.
- Actions for the adaptation of the interior installations of the houses. To adapt water, electricity, gas or telecommunications installations to current regulations.
- Improvements in sustainability and energy efficiency. At this point, energy rehabilitation works or efficiency improvements are subsidized, such as: increasing thermal insulation (facades, roofs, carpentry changes, etc.) or sun protection to lower the energy demand of the building.
- Also actions to adapt housing to improve accessibility. Grants will be awarded for actions that improve the internal mobility conditions of homes. For example works for the creation of accessible ramps, changes of bathtubs for shower trays, modifications of distribution to allow turning radii, etc.
Aids of “Ajuntament de Barcelona”

Object of the aids, deadlines and geographical scope
- The buildings must be intended for multi-family housing.
- The deadline for submitting aid applications ends on November 19, 2021. These are 30 calendar days after the publication of the call in the DOGC. The call was published on October 19, 2021.
- These grants are intended for works on buildings in Barcelona.
Types of eligible works
Structural pathologies.
A structural rehabilitation solves pathologies that can be of many types: rehabilitation of balcony slabs damaged by the oxidation of their reinforcement, cracks in load-bearing walls, aluminosis effects in concrete beams, differential settlements caused by a bad foundation or faults on the ground, general slab repairs by excessive arrows of wood slabs, & c.
Improving energy efficiency:
In reforms in which it will be possible to reduce the energy demand of the building (through improvements in the insulation system of opaque enclosures such as covered facades, partitions, etc. or of transparent enclosures such as windows and skylights)
Community facilities: The renovations of the facilities are divided into 5 subsections:
- The first subsection is the installation of green roofs. Green roofs provide a green area to the urban ecosystem, reduce the heat island effect in cities, and provide a thermal mass that can act as a regulator of thermal oscillations.
- The second subsection is the reform or rehabilitation of electricity, gas, water and sanitation facilities. In many of the communities we visit there are no protections or grounding in community electrical installations, this can be dangerous and it is advisable to plan a reform to have adequate safety conditions.
Direct water. If the reform consists of canceling tanks and supply by gauging or other obsolete forms of obtaining sanitary water.
- Asbestos removal. Asbestos is a building material that is very harmful if handled or broken. The asbestos fibers it contains are volatile and can be deposited in the lungs when you breathe. Its high carcinogenic power means that a removal of asbestos-containing elements is sensible.
- The last subsection of the facilities segment is solar energy. Solar panels can make a very important contribution to the electricity of homes. If solar panels are installed, even without batteries we can get a significant reduction in the price of light.
Accessibility. In this area, grants are divided into three sections:
- The installation of new elevators. Elevators can be installed inside the building or outside. We usually install elevators in community inner courtyards, compensating financially or otherwise for the most affected neighbors.
- Renovation works that include improving accessibility. The accessibility of a building can be compromised by the lack of space on the landings, narrow stairs, steps in the middle of steps, etc. Accessibility-oriented reform can greatly improve the quality of life not only of people with reduced mobility but of common users, as it makes the use of spaces much more comfortable. For example when loading furniture, shopping carts, baby strollers, the elderly, and so on.
- The rehabilitation or refurbishment of stairs and lobbies with design criteria that favor accessibility.
Non-refundable grant amounts
Depending on the type of reform the subsidies will be more or less. The percentages and maximum amounts are detailed below:
Structural pathologies:
35% of the amount of the works can be subsidized with a maximum limit of € 3,000 per home and if it is a multi-family building with less than 30 homes € 30,000, if it is a building between 31 and 60 homes € 40,000
Improving energy efficiency:
In reforms where the energy demand of the building will be reduced, the percentage of the subsidy is 25% if we do a partial action and 35% if we do a global action. The subsidy limit is € 3,000 per home or in the case of multi-family buildings with less than 20 homes: € 30,000 and in the case of multi-family homes between 21 and 40 homes: € 40,000
Community facilities: The renovations of the facilities are divided into 5 subsections:
The first subsection is the installation of green roofs (the bases require a reform of more than 50% of the terrace). In this case, 40% of the amount of the works will be delivered, with a maximum of € 30,000
The second subsection is the reform or rehabilitation of electricity, gas, water and sanitation facilities. In this case, it is possible to obtain 20% of the budget for the works with a limit of € 3,000 per home or in the case of multi-family homes with less than € 20,000 € 30000, and in the case of buildings between 21 homes and € 40,000,000.
If the reform consists of the installation of direct water from the network of 30% of the total amount. In this subsection, as above, a limit of € 3,000 per home or in the case of multi-family homes with less than 20 homes is defined as € 30,000, and in the case of buildings between € 21 and € 40,000,000.
Asbestos removal is 35% subsidized, the limit set for this action is € 30,000
The last subsection of the facilities segment is that of Solar Energy, they have a subsidy percentage of 50%. This subsection sets a limit of € 3,500 per home or € 60,000 per building.
Accessibility. In this area, grants are divided into three sections:
The installation of new elevators will be subsidized with a 35% limport. The limits of the subsidy distinguish between internal actions (€ 30,000 cap) and external actions (€ 50,000 cap)
Renovation works that include improving accessibility will have grants of 25% with a ceiling of € 30,000
The rehabilitation or refurbishment of stairs and lobbies with design criteria that favor accessibility will be subsidized with 20% of the budget with a limit of € 20,000.