First of all, you have to know that converting a place into a habitat is only possible if the parcel on which the new urban building is located, is to say that to start it is essential to check that the operation is compatible amb urban regulations. Això is easily verifiable by consulting the plan. From here on, we have to evaluate the three parameters that allow the feasibility of the operation to be evaluated based on the ability to adapt the pre-existing conditions to the new you have in place the rest of the normative requirements that are applied. : Codi Tècnic de l’Edificació, specific municipal regulations and the Decree d’Habitabilitat of the Generalitat if it is that the nou ús is d’habitatge. The license of the canvi d’us is comparable to that of a dossier of major works, three of exceptional cases, it will require two documents of adaptation.
The promoters must know that the costs of the operation will depend on the divergence between the pre-existence and the final status, and that the most expensive ones will be the execution of the works and the higher expenses that have to do with the front . Així doncs, whether it is a transaction of an operation at the level of real estate developer, or a private development, I agree to assess in terms of economics and market the economic rationale of the operation.
For this reason, when a promoter is proposing a canvi d’ús, we always recommend to carry out, in the first place, some Studies Provided both to assess the seva viability and, in this way, to be able to assess both the information on the opportunity of the ‘operation.
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