Below is a historical list of the Decrees that have existed as a legal framework for the granting of the habitability certificate a>:
- Decret 141/2012. Effective as of 11/03/2012. Annex 1 for the first occupation. Annex 2 pre-existing habitats prior to 08/11/1984. Annex 3 for endowed habitats. Annex 4 for the first occupation in rehabilitation cases. Link to Decret comment Link to Decree 141/2012
- Decret 55/2009. Valid from 10/09/09 fins to 11/02/2012. Annex 1 per a habitatges nous. Annex 2 per a habitatges usats. Link to Decree 55/2009
- Decret 259/2003. Effective from 12/30/2003 ends to 10/08/2009). Annex / Apartat 1. Annex / Apartat 1, 2, 3 (official protection). Link to Decree 259/2003
- Decret 28/1999. Effective from 02/17/1999 fins to 12/29/2003). Annex 2 per habitatges nous. Annex 3 for official protection. Annex 4 per habitatge usat. Link to Decree 28/1999
- Decret 314/1996. Valid from 09/24/1996 fins to 02/16/1999. Annex 1 per habitatges nous. Annex 2 for official protection. Annex 3 per habitatge usat. Link to Decree 314/1996 li>
- Decret 274/1995. Valid from 04/18/1996 fins to 09/23/1996. Annex 1 per habitatges nous. Annex 2 for official protection. Annex 3 per habitatge usat.
- Decret 346/1983 and Decret 571/1983. Vigència from 02/01/1984 ends to 04/17/1996. Level B obra nova. Link to Decree 571/1983 Link to correcció d’errades to Decree 571/1983 Link to Decree 346/1983 Link to correcció d’errades al Decret 346/1983 a >
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