There are no universal recipes in the world of reforms and building in general, but there are some systems that have greater advantages than others. In today’s post we will analyze underfloor heating, which we have installed in various renovations by KAITEK ARQUITECTURA, because it is so efficient and provides so much comfort.

Advantages of underfloor heating
Heat distribution
The heat distribution is not carried out by air, so it is unlikely that nuisance currents will be generated. It is carried out mainly by radiation (it is the way of transmitting the heat that the sun has to the earth, through a vacuum) and also, as the radiation surface is so large (not as happens with typical wall radiators) the temperature it can be much lower (radiators can reach 60ºC while underfloor heating should never exceed 40ºC)
Heat stratification
The heat distribution is not carried out by air, so it is unlikely that nuisance currents will be generated. It is carried out mainly by radiation (it is the way of transmitting the heat that the sun has to the earth, through a vacuum) and also, as the radiation surface is so large (not as happens with typical wall radiators) the temperature it can be much lower (radiators can reach 60ºC while underfloor heating should never exceed 40ºC)

Less dust, less allergies
It is true that the system underfloor heating does not literally remove dust, but it is advisable for people with lung diseases or people with sensitivity to mites or dust as it is a system that moves very little air through convection. This means that there will be much less scattered dust, and this will be It will concentrate in areas where we cannot breathe it, the ground, etc.
For people who are very sensitive to dust and mites, this system is ideal together with a ventilation system. double flow with a filter system. If you have decided to make your home healthier, rest assured that at KAITEK ARQUITECTURA we have the technical knowledge and human capacity to build or renovate your home so that it has the best levels of health and comfort.
More energy efficiency
The fact that the distribution temperature is lower means that it can be driven at a much lower temperature than in other systems such as radiators and this means that there are less losses in the system.
Radiant floor elements
They are in a distribution box, there are the regulating elements and the stop valves of all the circuits. In case we have to purge or balance the system we will have to do it from here. Here the thermostats that give the commands to the solenoid valves for the heating action are connected.

The circuits and the ironing
Depending on the number of circuits that we have, we will have independent operating possibilities. In housing renovations, the most economical option would be to group all the bedrooms in one circuit, the living room in another circuit and make a separation between differently oriented rooms, for example North and South. If we want to achieve excellence we could install a circuit in each room, so that from the thermostat we could regulate the temperature of each one.
The circuits in the case of a hydraulic system, not electrical, have water inside and the tubes are with an anti-oxygen barrier to prevent their deterioration. At the bottom of the tubes will be the thermal insulation that is the base and the guide to install these tubes. It can be XPS, EPS insulation, etc. On top of the tubes and the insulation we will pour the iron, it is advisable that we put an additive to the cement, concrete, so that it is much more fluid and does not leave air pockets between the cement and the tubes, which would prevent a good transmission.
The thermostats will allow us to make an exact regulation of the desired temperature. In our renovations we always follow three basic rules for their placement: it is advisable to put them near windows and on the façade and always placed approximately at head height.
The boiler is the element that produces the heat: it can be a natural gas, pellet boiler or a heat pump. Although we can also install from KAITEK ARQUITECTURA a cheaper but less efficient electric underfloor heating system.

If you have decided to make your home healthier, it is possible that underfloor heating is one of the best options. If you have to raise floors and you can make a cement slab on site, both from reform or rehabilitation as a new construction, it is a good time to install underfloor heating. No one regrets after its installation. Rest assured that at KAITEK ARCHITECTURE we have the technical knowledge and human capacity to build or renovate your house so that it has the best levels from health and comfort.