In 2011 there were modifications to the regulatory framework of the ID
The “Llei 9/2011, of December 29, of promotion of the economic activity” establishes some substantial modifications in the requirements to obtain the certificate. Below we collect the articles and provisions of this law that affect the regulatory framework of the certificate: Llei 18/2007, del dret a l’habitatge, Decret d’habitabilitat 55/2009, municipal urban regulations, etc.
In the articles we find the following modifications to previous laws:
Article 158
Modification of article 26 of Llei 18/2007
1. It is modifies l’apartat 3 of l’article 26 of Llei 18/2007, which remains redactat de
the following way:
“3. The habitation certificate is the document that the supplying companies have to demand
electricity, water, gas, telecommunications and other services, per
to the contract of services and sub-administrations to l’habitatge. In the cas d’habitatges
official protection for the first occupation, the required document is the
final qualification. ”
2. It is modifies section 5 of article 26 of Llei 18/2007, which remains redactat de
the following way:
“5. The habitation certificate is awarded by the competent department in matters
d’habitatge, it was detrimental that in pugui delegate the regulation in the locals. In
cap cas is not able to grant the certificate of habitation if it is not complex in the conditions
tècniques legally required by the habitability regulations. ”
3. S’afegeix un apartat, on 5 bis, a l’article 26 de la Llei 18/2007, with the text
“5 bis. The authorization of the cèdula d’habitabilitat exclusively implies that
l’habitatge compleix els technical requirements d’habitabilitat of the current norm and not
assumes the legalization of the constructions due to the adequacy of l’us d’habitatge
to the urban legalitat. To protect the drets of the acquirers, quan in the
processing of the request for the cèdula d’habitabilitat is able to state that it
d’un immoble com a habitatge so it does not conform to the urban legalitat, s’ha de
Please note this circumstance in the document of the certificate of the ID, and the
public fedatari ho must pose in connection with the acquirer at the moment of authorizing
the document of transmission. ”
4. It is modifies section 7 of article 26 of Llei 18/2007, which remains redactat de
the following way:
“7. The habitats with economic activities is consider effective habitats
de l’exigència de la cèdula d’habitabilitat. ”
This addition 5 bis to article 26 of law 18/2007 is of the utmost importance since the concession of the certificate is separated from compliance with urban law.
In other words, a home can obtain the certificate regardless of its urban legality? It is not exactly like that, what happens is that the concession of the ID is detached from this condition. And only the habitability certificate is linked to the adequate habitability conditions that the Decree defines. This seems to make sense.
Of course, if an urban illegality has been committed and a home has been created without respecting the urban regulations, or if a home has been created not respecting the building regulations (the CTE, seismic regulations, etc.) this may also be sanctioned. But by other bodies that have jurisdiction in the field in which the offense has occurred.
Article 174
Modification of article 123 of Llei 18/2007
1. It modifies the letter d of l’apartat 1 of l’article 123, which remains redacted from the
following way:
“d) The inaccuracy or the false information in the documents, the certifications or the reports
technical needs to obtain an administrative resolution with reconnection
Official Gazette of the Generalitat de Catalunya No. 6035 – 12.30.2011 66479 ISSN 1988-298X
DL B-38014-2007
de drets econòmics, de protecció o d’habitabilitat, or to obtain a favorable act
als infractors or third parties, contrary to technical regulations, comeses pels promotors,
the constructors or the facultative direction of the works of construction or rehabilitation
d’habitatges, and included in the supòsits dels certificats d’habitabilitat elaborats pels
techniques in the procedures for applying for a certificate of habitation. ”
2. Letter g of l’apartat 3 of l’article 123 of Llei 18/2007 is repealed.
Article 175
Modification of article 124 of Llei 18/2007
It is modifies letter i of l’apartat 1 of l’article 124 of Llei 18/2007, which remains
written as follows:
“i) Allocate a habitatge to an economic activity sense disposar of the title
habilitant pertinent. ”
Article 176
Modiicació de l’article 132 de la Llei 18/2007
It modifies the letter a of l’article 132, which remains worded as follows:
“a) L’habitatge must have a valid habitation certificate, in the case of housing
with official protection, of the final qualification. Aquests documents s’han
to lliurar als acquirers or users. In the event of transmission of habitats that
not after nova construcció, the acquirers can expressly exonerate
d’aquesta obligació dels transmitters en els supòsits següents:
”Primer. Quan l’habitatge usat or preexistent hagi d’esser objecte de rehabilitació o
d’enderrocament. In the case of rehabilitation, the exemption involves the obligation of
present to the authorizing public notary a report issued by a competent technician in
what has proven that l’habitatge can obtain the certificate of habitation a cop executades them
rehabilitation works necessary to comply with the technical regulations for habitation.
”Segon. Quan the destination of the immoble or entity object of transmission did not follow the
de l’ús com a habitatge, if the transmitter and the acquirer do not reconnect in a way
”Third. Quan is complexi qualsevol altre supòsit d’exoneration which is determini
per regulation. ”
Article 177
Modification of article 135 of Llei 18/2007
S’afegeix an apartment, the 5, to the article 135 of the Llei 18/2007, with the following text:
“5. In the cases to which the first section of article 132.a refers, the registrars
it must be stated, in a marginal note in the inscription, that l’habitatge
transfer remains subject to the execution of the rehabilitation or enderrocament works.
This marginal note is canceled with the presentation of the habitation certificate,
a cop finalizes the works of rehabilitation, or with the accrediting municipal certification
de l’enderrocament realitzat. ”
In the transitory provisions we find:
Quarta transitory arrangement
Transitional Regime applicable to Llei 18/2007, from the dret a l’habitatge, in relation to
les certificates d’habitabilitat
Mentre I do not approve the regulation that has to deploy the modifications that it establishes
this has been amended in terms of habitation for Llei 18/2007,
of December 28, from the dret to l’habitatge, requests for cèdules d’habitabilitat
for habitats built after 1984 that do not have a certificate
initially granted by the Generalitat have to be processed with the established procedure
for the first occupation card and fulfill the conditions of habitation
effective in the completion date of the construction.
In order to apply this provision, the Departament d’Habitatge established at the time a transitory protocol for the processing of the identity card for homes created after 1984 (in the disseminated protocol it puts built, however, the appropriate concept is that of created), In which a document called a certificate of suitability of the conditions of habitability, solidity and security of the house is requested. This is nothing more than a consolidated certificate that includes: 1. Building and dwelling data: location and owner; 2. Year of construction of the building and creation of the house; 3. Certificate of habitability according to the habitability regulations in force on the date of creation of the home; 4. Certificate of solidity and safety.
The complete document can be found at this address:
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